Welcome to CHAT
Christian Homeschoolers Assembling Together CHAT is a Christian homeschool co-op designed to reinforce and enhance homeschooling in Bartow county and surrounding areas.
Spring is here!
Spring semester has begun! Get ready for all the CHAT fun this spring!Curriculum fair - April 14th & 21st
Get ready to sell your used curriculum, and find what you need for next year! Mark your calendars for the Curriculum Fair. No seller's fee for CHAT members/$5 fee for non-members. More info coming soon!Mark Your Calendars
Make sure you check out the "Calendar" tab and mark your calendars for all the fun events this semester!
Take a look at the classes that will be offered for the upcoming fall semester!
We would love to have you join us at CHAT!
Click here to register
How does CHAT work?
Parent Led
We all have something to give. Each parent can teach something that would enrich our children's education. Each parent will be expected to work two hours teaching and helping in classes each week. These classes range in age from nursery to high school. Parents may be called on to help the remaining time to fill in absences - thus the name cooperative education.
We meet once a week for approximately four hours. Classes/subjects are set up on the semester system and parents may sign up their children for their preferred classes (under the appropriate age group) when more than one choice is available.
Family Commitment
We all depend upon one another to make CHAT co-op work smoothly. When people fail to fulfill their commitment and are absent, gaps are left in the program. You must accept the responsibility for your place in the program.
The CHAT co-op was designed to be a three-hour / three class program. In order to function in an orderly manner, children must enroll in all three of their classes. If your child does not wish to enroll in the full program, we ask that you please make other arrangements for her/him away from co-op, and contact the appropriate Grade Level Coordinator as to your decision.
It is the policy of CHAT that one parent must be in attendance during co-op hours. That parent will be asked to teach/assist during CHAT and must remain on campus. We understand that there are times when a parent cannot attend co-op. In such cases, arrangements must be made with another co-op member to be responsible for the children that will be attending without their parent. It is the responsibility of the absent parent to make sure the class they are teaching/assisting in is covered.
It is the policy of CHAT that one parent must be in attendance during co-op hours. That parent will be asked to teach/assist during CHAT and must remain on campus. We understand that there are times when a parent cannot attend co-op. In such cases, arrangements must be made with another co-op member to be responsible for the children that will be attending without their parent. It is the responsibility of the absent parent to make sure the class they are teaching/assisting in is covered.
Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
3-5 Years AND Potty Trained
Get in Touch
Kimbell Hughes - Director
Email Us
Mailing Address:
PO Box 200212
Cartersville, GA 30120